Team Pink are the team of the Executive Officers and Assistants who are responsible for the running and development of the National Student Scout and Guide Organisation.


Your Exec, Your Voice

The Exec are here to represent you and help support your SSAGO Journey. If you've got any suggestions, ideas, concerns or questions, just fill in the box below!

Want to see a National Event? Want to earn a badge? Want some support from National SSAGO for your club? Think there's something we should be doing? Let us know!

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Our Meetings

Reps Meeting

The next Reps Meeting, where the National Exec, Assistants and all SSAGO clubs gather to discuss SSAGO will be held at Leeds of the Rings Rally on 24/11/2024.

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Exec Meetings

The Exec get together at various points over the year to plan and discuss National SSAGO business and any points raised by SSAGO members. The agendas and minutes are always public and your thoughts are always welcome.

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The Exec

The Exec, elected at the AGM each year, form the elected representatives of National SSAGO and together work to maintain and develop the running of SSAGO at a National Level

Find out what we've been up to


Jack Woodward

Hello SSAGO! I’m Jack, your Chair for 2024/25.

I joined Scouting at 6 years old, and haven’t left yet - having worked my way up through Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, and being a young leader at Scouts, I’m now a Scout leader, Explorer leader, IST for the World Scout Jamboree, and Network member at uni (where it actually exists), and at home (where it doesn’t, really)! Given that background, joining SSAGO once I started university in 2019 seemed inevitable, and only being lightly involved was out of the question.

Since joining SSAGO, I've been a club treasurer and chair in Liverpool, been on two rally committees - co-chairing Rally of Games and generally assisting in everything for CentenaRally, chaired the Policy Fixers Project and helped organise a multitude of smaller regional and national events, including a fresher's camp and the last two IOW Revolution contingents. You may also remember me as SSAGO's Secretary for 2023/24 - I enjoyed being on Team Pink so much, I decided to carry on, but with more responsibility this time!

In my spare time, having completed my MPHYS degree at the University of Liverpool, I'm now avoiding having to leave SSAGO by doing a PhD in Nuclear Materials Engineering, also in Liverpool.

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Grace Hinks

Hi I'm Grace and I am the National Secretary for 2024-2025!

I joined Girlguiding when I was 5 and was a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and Ranger, and went on to be a Young Leader for my local Rainbows, Brownies and Guide units (all at different times when the units needed it!). I absolutely adored my time in Guiding but, unfortunately, this experience was cut short and before I knew it I was at University and had a Girlguiding sized hole in my heart.

I discovered SSAGO near the end of my first year of Uni after friends from a different club encouraged me to join SNoGS (Nottingham). Since joining I have been the SNoGS Social Secretary, helped organise Midlands Freshers camp in 2023, and I am now Logistics for Rally Front to Back in 2025! Joining SSAGO has absolutely been the highlight of my time at University and my only regret is not joining sooner!

I am about to graduate from the University of Nottingham with a History BA, and will be taking a step back from education. However, this means I can dedicate plenty of my time to SSAGO and Team Pink!

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Lucy Smith

Hi I'm Lucy and I am the SSAGO national publicity officer for the 2024-2025 term!

I joined Girlguiding at 5 years old and haven't stopped since! I was a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, and Ranger back in my home unit back at Surrey. Here I also achieved my Young Leader Qualification, my Adult Leader Qualification as a Guide leader and my Queens Guide Award! With my love for the Guiding movement, joining SSAGO was a no-brainer once I had found out about it while volunteering at Wellies and Wristbands in 2022.

Since starting University I have opened a Brownie unit from scratch with another SSAGO member, where we are both co-leaders. I study at Nottingham so I am a SNoG, and was their Secretary for the 2023-2024 academic year. I helped organise the Midlands Freshers Camp 2023, and I am publicity and secretary for Goose Ball 2025.

In September 2024 I will be going into my third year of studying BSc Psychology and debating what masters I need to do to keep me in SSAGO just a little while longer!

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Anna Matthews

Hi! I'm Anna and I'm SSAGO's Members Officer for 2024/25.

I had a bit of a weird start in Scouting having begun as a Brownie before joining Explorers when I was 14. I also became a Young Leader for Scouts and then Cubs, and completed my Young Leader Training. When I turned 18 I became a leader and I also helped set up a local Network Group which we called Underground Network.

When looking at universities I would only consider places that had a Scout and Guide Society. I didn't know about SSAGO at the time but I'm definitely glad to have found it. I joined BUSAG when I started at the University of Birmingham and have since been the club's Publicity Officer, Secretary and Social Secretary. I have enjoyed getting involved in both regional and national SSAGO events and have been Publicity for Midlands Freshers 2022 and Co-chair for Oktoberfest Rally. Whilst at University I have also volunteered at the local Scout group in the Scouts and Explorers Section.

I am currently about to graduate with a Political Science BA (hopefully!) and in September I will be extending my time in SSAGO with a PGCE in History.

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The Assistants

The Assistants, appointed by and working with the Exec, support the running of National SSAGO through filling specific roles and tasks needed to make SSAGO work


Joe Barnes

I’m Joe, currently studying a PhD in Biomedical Tissue Engineering at the University of Liverpool. I started in Scouting when I was six, and never left; I’ve been in Liverpool SSAGO for 6 years now, on committee for 2 of those and now I’ve stepped up to offer you the best merch around...

I'm always contactable at if you have any questions / suggestions!

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Oli Bills

Hi, I'm Oli and I'm the webmaster for SSAGO. I'll primarily be looking after all the technology behind-the-scenes of SSAGO, while doing my best to support both National SSAGO, the Exec and SSAGO clubs and members in anything digital!

When I first found SSAGO at university, I'd never been involved in Scouting before, so this was a completely new experience but I immediately fell in love with SSAGO, Scouting and Guiding and found both a new home and a new obsession! Since then, SSAGO and Scouting has taken over my life, but I can honestly say it's been the best thing that's happened in my life so far - and that's thanks to all the lovely and wonderful people that make up SSAGO, Scouting and Guiding and the wonderful community I am now a part of.

As webmaster, I build and maintain all the various aspects of the website, from the membership and events system (and all those other new systems we seem to have needed, like the survey system or the murder mystery system...), to the scary parts behind the scenes that nobody else will ever see, such as the bits that make the emails work or projects and teams.

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Rose Moran

I'm Rose and I am your new events officer! I studied maths at keele University (grad 2021) and am now returning to university to train to become a secondary school maths teacher.
SSAGO has been a massive part of my life these last few years and I am looking forward to being able to give back to this great community that SSAGO has created. I have been part of Girlguiding since Rainbows and then also joined Scouting when I became an Explorer.
My main goals for the next year:
- to set up each event with a clear timeline of what is needed to run an event (and by when) to help minimise committee burnout and last minute stresses.
- to continue with the work I did as members officer, by trying to make events inclusive and accessible to all. This includes making individual wellbeing plans for those who may benefit from it.

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Alex Banwell

Hi, I'm Alex. I am the current SSAGO Charities Officer. I intend to register SSAGO as a charity.
I'd love to hear any suggestions you have, or to just have a chat, so feel free to get in contact, or find me at the next SSAGO rally!

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Ben Dickinson

Hi, I'm Ben a recent DUSAGG alumni and your Liaisons Officer. I am responsible for developing and maintaining SSAGO's relationship with the Scout and Guide Graduate Association (SAGGA), the Scouts and the Guides! I also manage the SSAGO SASU by adding volunteers, chasing outstanding training and processing DBS checks.

If you are volunteering at a one off event, or are interested in SSAGO's relationship with other organisations, feel free to email me at!

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